Guiding models

As a fashion photographer I work with different kind of models. Some have nearly zero experience and for others it is their main job. It makes a huge difference to be able to work with an experienced model or not. The hit rate of good pictures not only doubles or triples, but is at least twentyfold!

When you start out as a photographer it is nearly impossible to find an experienced model willing to pose for you. You can however pay for such a model and even then some are not willing to work with you if you cannot show a good portfolio.

The problem is not only the experience of the starting model but also you. Can you guide a model? How to make her feel more confident? I have to admit some models are just impossible to guide. They refuse to laugh or look angry when you ask them. Some even don’t listen at all. I have experienced this a few times when I was staring out and I wanted to try things out.

Another problem is some photographers don’t know how what a beautiful pose is. You will see photos where a leg is positioned a wrong direction making the leg look very small or a hand looks amputated.

A combination of a starting model and photographer results in mostly just average photos with many mistakes. This is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. You have to accept criticism by photographers with experience but it always needs to be in a constructive way. When I show photographers what can be improved they respond very friendly. Sometimes it also hurts because you think you just made a award winning photo but it is actually not.

During my workshops I give advise and show what is important to get the pictures you need. What lenses to use and why shooting from a low angle can make the model look taller.

It can be exhausting and frustrating when you always have to guide the model during a shoot. It is the way it is but it is mandatory to get the results you want. One tip is to put on her favorite music. She will feel more relaxed. The atmosphere should be relaxed but professional. Shooting and modelling should always be fun. Never get impatient or even angry when it doesn’t work out as expected.

Working with a pro you only need to adjust some minor things. It just works a lot better. Just book an experienced model and you know what I mean.

Never touch the model unless you ask her and you have to tell her in detail why. Sometimes you have to push her in a pose. If you have a female helper, let her do it.

To raise the quality of your work you eventually have to work with better models. It’s not wrong to pay for models.

This model is Miri from Germany. She was one of the best freelance models I have ever worked with. It was very difficult to make a selection out of the hundreds of pictures from our shoot. Her expressions are breathtaking.


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